The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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241 lines
manual: Volume Label Utility 10.22.93
© 1993 Erin Monaco
(Verbose narrative version)
Volume Label Utility is ShareWare. Try it for 30 days, if you find
it useful please register. Regardless please feel free to give copies
to friends, relatives, household pets and optionally your dentist or
favorite police officer. To register please send a check or money order
for $5 (US funds) to:
Erin M. Monaco
35244 Chestnut
Wayne, MI 48184
You may direct comments or suggestions to the above address. I can also
be reached via GEnie @ E.MONACO
Update: 12.06.93
- VOL_UTIL.RSC no longer neccessary as its been embedded in the program.
- Added sequential extension support.
New sequential extension support notes:
Looking at the main dialog you will notice a few changes; 1) above
your six standard sequence buttons (1E?) you'll find text which shows
this row of buttons belongs to the filename sequence field. 2) you will
see text below that which points to another set of radio buttons... as
the text indicates these buttons are for using a sequence field in the
extension of the volume label. Since there are only three characters
in an extension you are limited to three buttons 1E1, 1E2, 1E3. These
buttons operate exactly like the original sequence buttons, the only
difference being that they affect and use the extension for the sequence
# field. As before blanks and nulls will be changed to '_' (underscores)
so VLU is able to correctly make the label. When setting a Sequence
button for the extension the # Sig display "(? Sig) is updated to reflect
the number of significant chars before the # field for... the extension
only! Selecting "1E1" (under extension) changes ? Sig to 2 Sig which means
you can use the first two characters in the extension for your own
purpose. As you probably guessed the extensions # field is also right
If you have installed MultiDialog by Helmut Neukirchen you must turn
it off via the accessory. The Volume Label Utility already displays all
dialogs in a window, using MultiDialog causes two windows to be opened,
which also messes up my work around of the AES's inability to do anything
while using the Form_Do() call. That would be the exiting of a form_do
via the GEM icon.
Volume Label Utility was written in Lattice C version 5.52. It takes
advantage of GEM and as such will not run from the auto folder or with an
extension of .TOS. Volume Label Utility will however, run as an .APP, .PRG
or Desk Accessory. Regardless of your choice of the above methods the user
interface remains consistant. Please ensure that the resource file is in
the same directory as the program file.
Interaction with Volume Label Utility takes place through a series
of dialog boxes. All dialogs are confined to a single window which the
program opens. As such it should be a little more MultiTos friendly. It
is not known at this time whether the program works on any particular
machine, however having used only standard OS calls chances are good
that it will work on all machines. The code however was compiled for
a stock 68000 processor.
Upon running the program or selecting it via a DA slot you are
presented with the credits dialog. Clicking done brings you to the
main dialog. Immediately you'll say to yourself... "what the hey...?"
as well you should, for this is no ORDINARY volume labeler!!!
Thats right folks, it slices, it dices, it chops, grates and... er
ok... so it actually doesn't do all that, in fact it doesn't do any of
that. (To many 30 min. infomercials I suspect). Truth be told it only
does ONE thing... (right) lets you create volume labels.
Being the disk librarian of an Atari users group, and being a
bugger on small details I was a little upset over not having a nice
simple volume labeler. So being the macho-sist that I am I decided
"what the heck, I'll write one myself!" Somehow I suspect that great
nations have fallen due to similar decisions.
So finally, after many years of toil (ok, it was only a month)
the Volume Label Utility was hatched from the abyss of my mind. Like
any true bureaucracy, we software engineers (read programmers) in
addition to having our own little sub-culture (we're weird ok?) are
tasked to no end (and yes I do like Star Trek!) by the mere idea that
a software engineering project ("program") could be simple. WELL! We
software engineers not wanting to have anything what so ever to do
with that, are compelled to take a simple project and transform it.
With this in mind your average engineer will sit down with his/her
Coke classic, favorite CD, programming calculator, the equivalent
of the library of congress worth of programming manuals, peril
sensitive sunglasses with UV coating and his/her drug of choice...
my drug of choice being King Dons fed intravenously throughout the
entire project. Ah and last but not least our magic wands of Bill
Gates... with which all real work is accomplished. Yes in short
order your resourceful software engineer will take an otherwise
simple project and transform it into an utterly obese, never
previously encountered intelligent glob of spaghetti code. Code
with an insatiable appetite for RAM. Code making itself right at
home on your hard drive, a happy slob who delights in corrupting
the morals of your favorite word processor. Now where was I...
ah yes... the documentation!
Lets try to forget all those sophisticated and arcane buttons
on our main dialog for just one moment. In essence VLU reads and
writes volume labels. (well thats pretty simple) If your like me
reading them isn't nearly as fun as writing them so this is where
VLU takes a detour from your average labeler. Lets for a second
assume you have two hundred disks all of which perhaps belong to
a single category or library. Now it makes sense to catalog the
disks and their contents for later reference etc. It would then
also make sense to label these disks according to their library
or category. Say we have a software library with 200 utility disks
all of which we wish to label to improve cataloging. We might
choose a lable such as UTILnnnn.DSK with the nnnn being a number
starting at 0000 and incrementing by one for each successive
disk. (Ugh, thats a lot of typing!) Now you have three choices,
1) start typing. 2) write a program to automate this task which
merely asks you to insert the next disk. (Do you have your wand
of Bill Gates?) or 3) You can use Volume Label Utility! (or as
a last resort you can explain to your kid that its the latest
in interactive computer game technology and dump it on him/her,
however due to the severity of child labor laws I do not
recommend this.)
WHAT!? still with me? Ok, given the above example all you'd
have to do is edit the current filename field with your initial
label as UTIL0000.DSK, then select the 1E4 button (because you'd
like a number sequence in the range of 0 - 9999. Insert your
first disk and click the SEQ button (stands for sequence) and
viola your label is written to the disk! But thats not all...
now you'll notice the current label has been modified and it now
reads UTIL0001.DSK!!! Hey, your catchin on, thats right, now all
you have to do is insert the next disk and click on SEQ again!
If you reach 9999 you'll flip back to 0000. Pretty nifty huh?
"Okay" you say, "but what if I only have 50 disks, or maybe I
have half a million!" No problem, by selecting one of the 1E? buttons
you can choose a range from 0-99 (1E2) to 0-999999 (1E6). The numbers
will be right justified within the filename portion of the label,
this is the portion to the left of the "." with the portion to the
right of the period being of course the extension. Above the current
label is another editable field in which you can change the current
drive. To the right of